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Society 123

With the changing scenario of increasing complexities in Housing Society Management, we have Professional Housing Society Management application called  is a web based application developed by Society123 Support Services Pvt Ltd , a Company rendering Services to Housing Societies for more than last tthirty  years.


SOCIETY123  are the first ones to introduce computerised billing and accounting systems for Housing Societies in the year 1987. The systems and procedures were being revised from time to time and to meet the 'today' s requirement, they have now come out with the web based application.

This application is not only a billing and acocunting software, but provides a complete web based management solutions.

The application contains besides billing and accounting modules which are normally available in other softwares / applications of this nature, 

...  A Meeting Module

...  A Complaint Redressal Module

...  A Task Assignment Module

...  A Documents Module

...  A Statutory Register Module

...  A Maintenance Charges Bills Module


The innvovative Accounting module, is not an accounting module in the strictest sense. Accounts are written as and when the user manages an activity. For ex. When the user updates the details of the FD, the accouunting documents are created pertining to the FD.  When the user updates the Vendor bill  and the cheque deails, the acocuting entries are done.  The most complicated TDS module provides the user with selection of the TDS already made  as per filtered requirements,  interest calculations, challan preparation and the TDS return data. Similar is the case with gst   The gst  is auto calculated, selected monthwise along with INPUt credit available for the month,  and the data for return Filing


The experience of Society123 Support Services Pvt Ltd acquired during the last thirty years are incorporated into these modules, which is a boon to all the housing Societies .


The benefits of  Co-operqative Movement, resulting in well set checks and systems developed in the state of Maharashtra, in particular, Mumbai is now made available to other Cities / States as well.


A Great Job Done.

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Society123 Support Services Pvt. Ltd.
706. T - 39. Sunshine Building. Shastri Nagar.
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Ph: 022 42020123 | +91 7718855184
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